Tuesday, February 19, 2008

an unexpected treat... February sunshine and then some

You know when it's February when freezing temperatures are mixed with the warmest, sunniest, I-think-spring-is-really-soon days. Unfortunately the great thing about being a photographer is sometimes you have to be inside working on these rare sunny days. Fortunately the great thing about being a photographer is your clients love you for it! I was sitting in front of my computer wrapped in a warm blanket of sunshine when I received the greatest "thank-you-this-is-for-while-you-work-take-a-break-from-the-computer" package ever! Kutta was psyched that she had a chance for a little well deserved attention while I opened it... I was psyched to get an unexpected package, but how can you resist her all toasty from lying in the sun!?! Wine, cheese, smoked salmon and even toffee peanuts! (a package that definitely deserved the above mentioned title) I love my clients! They really know how I like to work! (...of course it will be well deserved when I'm done!) Thank you so much... you rock!

yoga puppy!

the greatest "thank-you-this-is-for-while-you-work-take-a-break-from-the-computer" package

I said "salmon" not "squirrel..."

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