Thursday, June 5, 2008

seriously southern...

I know it's been awhile since I've posted and y'all probably wonderin' whats goin' on... I'm in Atlanta, Georgia chattin' up some of the finest photographers in the world. seriously. I haven't had internet access 'til now but it's been worth it. The capturecrosscountry site and blog is in desperate need of updating because Chris and I have been in some beautiful and amazing places south of the Mason-Dixon line. Tomorrow will be a good day for that so expect some serious posts and lots of new images of this beautiful earth. Stay tuned... there's lots more to come...

1 comment:

Mike said...

Jacklyn, it was great meeting you in Atlanta at the PUG meeting! Wish we could have had more time to talk! You have some great stuff in amongst your blog and website!