Friday, March 27, 2009

We placed in WEDCOMP!!

Maybe you remember my post about WEDCOMP, a new international wedding photography contest Chris and I entered a while back. Well, the votes are in and we got three photos in the top 8, one in the top 20! WOOHOO!!

check out the top 20 images in each category here.

I guess saying "we" is an understatement... really, Chris cleaned up this one! His first competition ever and 3 of the photos were his! All in the Ceremony category, all from the same wedding, he placed 5th, 6th, and 19th with the respective images below...

Also from Shaun and Brie's wedding in Syracuse, NY, my image of the flying groomsman took 8th place in the Portraits category!

And I never said anything about the last WEDCOMP, which was my first contest ever, I placed 16th with this shot from Dana and Daniel's wedding in Atlanta:

and 22nd with this shot from Lisa and Matt's wedding:


Robin Dini Photography said...

congrats Jackie!!!

e. broderick photography said...

That's awesome! Great shots--all of 'em!