Tuesday, December 23, 2008

monkey grass fairy

I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity while I was in Atlanta, GA than to photograph Arlyn. She's got such a personality! She decided to play on the slides and dress up as a fairy, but I had a feeling that there was a magical image to be made in the monkey grass... no pun on her being a monkey... that's really what the grass is called! It took all my strength to ask her to lie down in the grass, and when she did I was breathless! There's no posing here, that's all Arlyn! I couldn't believe she's so perfect! Enjoy!


carla ten eyck said...

oh.my.GOD These are incredible Jack!

wow wow wow!

You weren't monkeying around about that Monkey Grass girl! It's beautiful! Those shots are my fave

merry christmas!!

e. broderick photography said...

Good God. I could not believe these!! Wow. They seriously took my breath away multiple times! love her little party shoes. And her adorable, delighted face!! The monkey grass shots are all insane. Her parents must be completely blown away by these.

Unknown said...

I love your style~! I especially love the ones of her looking straight at you while lying on the ground. Excellente!

nikki nicole photography said...

girl these are so amazing!!!!

you always have a unique approach to children! Keep it up!