Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I heart PJ!

I've got lots to share from the past few weeks. More than a blog can handle! Or the truth of it is that it's more than I can handle blogging about! There's not enough time in the day to get it all awesome and still have time to blog about it!

Between shooting, traveling, meetings and processing, there's not much time left for the back-end work like creating albums for my kick-ass clients. After struggling with heaps of hours designing an album in Photoshop, a very special photographer friend turned me on to PhotoJunction.

Now I can layout an album design in a quarter of the time it took previously. And with the seamless Photoshop integration I can still beef up my images while designing the album... seriously, photographer friends... please note... this program rocks! I also have the freedom to customize each album, but still save a design as a template to use again if I so choose to! And that custom work is what JAGstudios is all about!

So big thanks to Krystal of Studiofoto for turning me on to PJ... and BIG thanks to PJ for making a program that allows me to create freely anything I choose to! I heart PJ!!

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